International Day of Yoga. Best Apps for Meditation and Yoga to Keep You Stress-Free

3 min readJun 21, 2019

Our lives are busier than ever before, and one great way to combat all that stress is a daily practice of meditation. Here are two of the best meditation apps to help make this an effortless part of your routine.


Headspace is really one of the best meditation apps. Started like the events company, Headspace now encompasses guided meditations and blog with videos and articles to assist newcomers, as well as masters, in their meditation practice.

You can test out Headspace with the free Basics course, which offers 10 meditations or tries a free session from many other collections for meditations of this app. The Headspace team teaches you the foundation of meditation and get you in a rhythm. The sessions per three, five, or 10-minute chunks, help you to focus on breathing easily, scan through the body and check in on how you feel.

Headspace provides hundreds of guided meditations for a different frame of your mind, health issues, emotions, challenges and productivity. There are even SOS meditations for some of the more stressful times in life to help you get through challenging everyday moments like losing your temper, feeling sick or having an awkward conversation.

If you feel the need to run away from a city and the Internet, you can save your favorites practices for offline usage.

Price: Free trial, $12.99 monthly / $96 annual / $399 lifetime


Smiling Mind is an entirely free mindfulness meditation app, developed by an Australian non-profit organization for kids and adults. It was developed by psychologists and educators to help to increase clarity, calm and contentment and reduce stress via mindfulness instruction and encouragement.

It provides meditation exercises geared for children sorted by age groups and for the classroom. It is really cool because meditation for a 10-year-old is not the same as for a 16, 25 or even a 45-year-old.

Kids start with a fun meditation called ‘The Bubble Journey,’ while adults begin with a basic body scan. Badges, reminders and record history help to encourage daily use and make practicing mindfulness a purely positive, rewarding experience.

Meditations for adults sorted by issues like stress, relationships, sleep, and complicated emotions. You can keep track of your progress, set reminders, download sessions to listen offline, and save your favorite meditations to access them easily. After your session, the app asks “how you are feeling now” to help you to track what meditation works out best for you.

Bring balance to your life, manage stress, increase resilience and assists in reducing mental health risks in further life.

Check out the list of the 5 best meditation apps that can help you make a daily practice of meditation an effortless part of your routine.

